RV/MH Hall of Fame News

Stewart Gardner

An active MHMA member, he began his career in the 1930s and was a life long innovator for the manufactured housing industry. He pioneered all steel structure in homes, electrical wiring in rigid and flexible conduit, and two story units among many others. He was a delegate for the industry to Washington hearings regarding the allowing of oversize unit transportation.

Jack B. Tuff

Twenty four year state association and chapter board member, national federation representative, active on MH and RV show committees, represented manufactured housing industry on State Building Commission.

Raymond E. Siegrist

Instrumental in the reorganization of the Michigan Association of RV’s and Campgrounds to include all parts of the RV industry, founding board member of MARVAC PAC, two terms as association chairman, 24 years on show committees, active leader of legislative efforts for RV industry.

Louis J. Rothbauer

A 50 year member of TCMA-MHMA, a Charter member RVI, he helped develop the first MHMA-RVI Suppliers Show, a pioneer warehouse distributor and manufacturers representative, he developed and published one of the first catalogs of stampings and extrusions.

James Redman

Manufacturer since 1945, Chairman of MHMA 1962-1963, first to install water heater and forced air furnace in manufactured homes, first in-house training schools for retailers, first to offer a buyer protection plan.

Burr Gray

A true industry pioneer retailer, Past President of national MHDA, Past President of Michigan MHA, he developed 13 sales centers in Michigan and 9 in Tennessee. He was instrumental in developing and securing the FHA finance program for manufactured housing.

John A. Boll

He was instrumental in the formation of, and four year chairman of the Michigan Mobile Home Commission, first to develop a 5 star community in Michigan, first community with on site child care, he helped develop the nations first licensing program for MH installation and repair personnel.